In tandem with business development nationally and regionally, the legal practice of BARRISTER ABDUS SALEEM & LAW ASSOCIATES is dynamic to adapt into various activities to allow for flexibility and enhancement of services to our clients. This will enable to respond to changes in the most cost-effective manner yet at the same time preserve and secure our client’s interests. It goes without elaboration. General description of our services is as stated below.

We deal and are able to deal with all matters relating to banking and finance and in particular:
1.loan syndication;
2.debt recovery and insolvency;
3.overdraft facilities, revolving credit, letter of credit and set off;
4.hire-purchase and leasing;
5.corporate banking and equity financing;
6.retail and consumer banking and finance;
7.general advice on banking and finance law;
8.share margin financing documentation; and
9.general advice on Government and Central Bank’s regulations.

Our firm has worked with several banking and financial institutions on an ad hoc and regular basis in the preparation of loan and security documents, re-financing and have from time to time accorded advice to banks and financial institutions in various aspects of loan and security documents which also encompasses debt recovery claims and claims pursuant to financing and debt securities. Our partners and familiar with the workings of enforcement of securities and related disputes and do maintain good relations and work well liquidators, receivers and managers from major accounting firms.

    We deal with all matters relating to real estate and properties and in particular the following: –

  1. Sale and purchase of moveable properties and real properties covering individual and developers’ projects including attending to launches for title and non-title cases for residential, commercial and industrial and high rise properties;
  2. Cases for residential, commercial and industrial and high rise properties;
  3. Joint venture agreements relating to real estate developments between land owner and developer and/or financer.
  4. Tenancies and leases of immovable properties;
  5. Developer’s license and eviction of squatters;
  6. Application for conversion, sub-division, fragmentation, surrender for re-demarcation of boundaries of titles including partition of properties;

We deal and are able to deal with all matters relating to corporate activities and in particular the following:

1. Initial Public Offerings and other related scopes:
a. Corporate restricting;
b. Shares Sale Agreement;
c. Shareholders’ Agreement;
d. Joint Venture Agreement;
e. Privatization Agreement;
f. Due Diligence for Annual and general meeting;
g. Advise under the Companies Act,h.Share Buyback schemes

2. Business entity formation including:
a. Sole proprietorships;
b. Partnerships;
c. Companies;
d. Joint Ventures;
e. Societies under Societies Act

Our link with PRIVATE & PUBLIC limited companies with its core synergistic business activities in the areas of corporate secretarial, business development (like merger & acquisitions and joint ventures), professional development (like organizing and managing seminars and training) and tax & management consulting provide us the leading edge.

3. Business and corporate transformation including:
a. Restructuring and reconstruction;
b. Mergers and de-mergers;
c. Management buy-outs;
d. Take over and schemes of re-arrangements;
e. Equity and contractual joint ventures; and
f. Deed of mutual covenants of shareholders in restructures entity.

4. Insolvency, receiverships, liquidation, public auctions and bankruptcies.
5. General advice on corporate law including:
a. rights and liabilities of directors, company official, member of audit committee;
b. rights and liabilities of shareholders including minorities;
c. meeting of directors and shareholders;
d. company statutory reporting;
e. rights and liabilities of internal auditors;
f. domestic inquiry; and
g. investigation.

We deal with matters relating to intellectual property with the interest of protecting, securing and sustaining (defending and or preventing infringement) our clients’ intellectual property rights and ownerships including searches, registrations, advising, giving opinions, vetting intellectual agreements and documents in the following fields:
1. Trade and services marks and its devices;
2. Copyrights;
3. Franchise; and
4. Distributorships or franchised or intellectual property products or system of business.


We provide general civil litigation and criminal litigation.


1. Eviction of squatters for development
2. Debt Recovery & all proceedings related thereto
3. Insurance claims
4. Defamation Suits
5. Intellectual property
6. Family, Guardianship & Related matters
7. Probate and Administration of Estates.
8. General advice on domestic inquiry
9. Industrial Relations
10.Advise on fraud investigation and evidence gathering
11.Injunctions and related matters
12.Other Related Matters


Our criminal litigation work embodies all matters relating to offences committed pursuant to the Penal Code and other statutory offences .Our partners & associates have been involved in cases offences of which carry the capital punishment and have also been involved in high profile cases by which such cases have been reported in the law journals in Pakistan. Keeping up with technology and challenging times and to increase our competitive edge, our criminal litigation department, like other departments is fully equipped with information and case laws via various Law Journal and subscriptions of online legal websites.


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